Getting Started With Windows 10 Apps

by Santhakumar Munuswamy

  Posted on  04 February 2016

  Windows 10

 This article explains about Windows 10 with SDK installation steps, features, prerequisites, and integration in Visual Studio 2015. We are going to discuss the Windows 10 SDK (Software Development Kits), features, prerequisites, system requirements and integration in Visual Studio 2015. [More]  

Introduction To Microsoft Band

by Santhakumar Munuswamy

  Posted on  06 January 2016


 This article explains about Microsoft Band and its features with a sample band connect apps using Visual Studio 2015. We are going to discuss the Microsoft Band prerequisites and what are all the features available on Band SDK. [More]  

Understanding the Directives – Part 5

by Santhakumar Munuswamy

  Posted on  31 December 2015


 This article explains understand the Directives with a sample application and its usage of Directives discussion to here. In my previous article, we saw understanding the controller with an sample application. Here are the series of article written on AngularJS [More]  

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