Getting Started with SSRS 2016 - Part 2

by Santhakumar Munuswamy

  Posted on  07 February 2017



In this article, we will discuss how we can create an SSRS Report using Report Wizard in SQL Server Reporting Services 2016. As we discussed understanding about How to create an SSRS Report without using Report wizard, How to deploy the SSRS Report into Reporting Server and How to run the Report Application in my previous articles. If you want to learn SSRS Series, you can read the below link:

In this article, we will see the following steps:-
  • Prerequisite
  • How to setup the SSRS Environment
  • How to create a Table in database
  • How to create an SSRS Project
  • How to deploy the Report
  • How to run the Report


We should have some basic knowledge in SQL Server Query and Visual Studio Tool for creating an SSRS Reports using Visual Studio 2015.

  • SQL Server Basic Query
  • Visual Studio 2015

How to setup the SSRS Environment

If you want to know how to setup the SSRS Environment procedure, prerequisite and SSDT, please you can read out my previous article as below link 

How to create a Table in database

Firstly, You can create a Student table using SQL Server Management Studio in SQL Server database.Then, you can add student record in the Student table. 

create table Student


StudentId int primary key,

StudentName varchar(20),

StudentCourse varchar(20),

StudentFees money,

StudentDOB date,

StudentStatus varchar(20)


select * from Student


Insert into Student values (1, 'Santhakumar', 'DotNet', 15000, CONVERT(date,'11/06/1982'), 'Active')

How to Create an SSRS Project

Open Visual Studio 2015. Go to File menu, point to new and click new project. New Project Window will open, you can select an installed template like “Reporting Services” in Business Intelligence Template and then select the Report Server project and type Project Name StudentReport. Choose the project location path and click OK button

The Report Wizard window will open and click the Next button

The Select the Data Source window will open and click the Edit button

The Connection Properties window will open and type the Server Name, Select the Authentication, User Name, Password, Select or Enter a database name and finally you can check the database connection succeed, followed by clicking the Test Connection button. Then Click the OK button.

The Select the Data Source window will open and select the new data source, connection string and click the Next button

The Data Source Credentials window will open and type the User Name, Password and Click the OK button.

The Design Query window will open and clicking the Query Builder

The Query Designer window will open and type the query in which table you want to load the report and executing the SQL query, followed by clicking the SQL icon.

The Query Designer window will open and loaded the SQL statement for the particular table and click the OK button.

The Design Query window will look with SQL query as shown in the following screenshots

The Report Type window will open and select the report as Tabular and click the Next button.

The Table design window will open and adding table columns to display fields, followed by clicking Details button. Then click the Next button.

The Completing Wizard window will open and type the Report Name and click the Finish button.

After creating SSRS project report, you can see the solution explorer structure, as shown in the following screenshot

Now, you can see the report design view as following

How to deploy the Report

Go to the Solution Explorer, point the StudentReport project and right click the StudentReport and point to deploying Student Reports, then click the deploy context-menu item.

After successfully deployed the report to Report Server, you will see the information from the output window as shown in the screenshot

How to run the Report

You can see in details how to run the Report using Report Server in the Browser. You can see the step by step procedures as below

Firstly, you have to copy the default Report Server Url and paste the same Url into your browser for the run report application.


Now, you can run the report application, followed by StudentReport project and clicking the StudentReport


I hope you understood how we can create an SSRS Report using Report Wizard in SQL Server Reporting Services 2016, How to deploy/run the report application in the Report Server. I have covered all the required things. If you find anything which I missed in this article, please let me know. Please share your valuable feedback or comments and suggestions to improve future articles.


About the Author
Santhakumar Munuswamy is a seasoned Solution Architect and Most Valuable Professional in Cloud /AI solutions. He has been experienced around 14 years in Solution designing, Software Product Development, Technical Documentation, Project Management for Web and Cloud Applications. He has experience in the IT industry across different domains (Automotive, Telecommunications, Healthcare, Logistics & Warehouse Automation, etc.) with roles in Technical Architect, Genesys Consultant, Technical Lead, Team Lead, and Developer. He has experienced in mentorship and coaching high potential developers.

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