ASP.NET Application Directory Structure

by Santhakumar Munuswamy

  Posted on  25 November 2014




In Web Application should have a good planned solution explorer directory structure you design. introduced special directory list below. 

  • BIN
  • App_Code
  • App_GlobalResoures
  • App_LocalResources
  • App_WebReferences
  • App_Data
  • App_Browsers
  • App_Themes

BIN Directory

      It is contains all the precompiled .net assemblies like DLLs that the web application uses.These assemblies can include precompiled class as well as other assemblies referenced by the class

App_Code Directory

      It is contains source code files that are dynamically compiled for use in your application. These code files are usually separate components or a data access library


      It is stores global resources that are accessible to every page

     It is serves the same purpose as app_globalresources, except these resources are accessible for their dedicated page only 


     It is stores refereces to web services that the web application uses 

source from my old blog: Readmore



About the Author
Santhakumar Munuswamy is a seasoned Solution Architect and Most Valuable Professional in Cloud /AI solutions. He has been experienced around 14 years in Solution designing, Software Product Development, Technical Documentation, Project Management for Web and Cloud Applications. He has experience in the IT industry across different domains (Automotive, Telecommunications, Healthcare, Logistics & Warehouse Automation, etc.) with roles in Technical Architect, Genesys Consultant, Technical Lead, Team Lead, and Developer. He has experienced in mentorship and coaching high potential developers.

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